Vietnamese Pho is a soup noodle consisting of noodles made from rice, broth and meat. The stock of is a combination of marrow bones, oxtail, brisket, chicken ribs along with dry cinnamon, star anise and cardamon pads. Many people secret ingredient is dried sandworm which can only be found in Vietnam.
There are several variants due to the fact of that Vietnam is divided into two part, the south and the north. The Vietnamese Pho can either be Chicken or Beef.
Pho Saigon, South Side
Pho Ha Noi, which is from the North side
Pho Gai, Chicken Pho
Garnishes and Condiments put into the Pho is important to make it a tasting meal. Here is what i normally put into my Pho.
Lime, bean sprouts, Onion, Chilli, Mint
Sriracha Chilli Sauce